Zurich, Montana: Almost a Ghost Town on the Hi-Line


At first glance, Zurich, Montana feels like it’s teetering on ghost-town status.  Some of the most prominent buildings in town appear to be abandoned and falling apart.  But, there is a nice pair of photogenic grain elevators here, which make Zurich worth checking out.


Zurich, Montana is located about 30 miles east of Havre, Montana, on US 2.

My Visit

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to see the sights in Zurich, Montana.  Once you turn off the Hi-Line, you’ll cross the railroad tracks and arrive in town.  At one point, the Zurich Cash Store must have been the center of activity in town.  Now, it’s a patchwork of boards and broken windows, trying to survive another hot summer and harsh winter.

Zurich, Montana

Zurich is known around the world for being a center of world finance.  Of course, that’s Zurich, Switzerland.  In Zurich, Montana, the “bank” looks more like a one-car garage.

Zurich has a stately pair of elevators standing next to the railroad tracks.  The red one appears to be older than the grey one.  I’m guessing that they are a frequent subject for photographers on the Hi-Line.

I was able to peek inside the red one.  It looks to be in pretty bad shape.

Zurich does offer a small public park, north of town.  This very specific sign will point you in the right direction.  If you go 1.35 miles, you’ve missed it.

Drivelapse Video

Here’s a look at the drive eastbound on the Hi-Line, from East Glacier Park Village to Malta, Montana:

… and here’s a closer look at just the cities on the Hi-Line:

The Bottom Line

Zurich, Montana’s twin elevators are a good enough reason to detour off of US 2.  Take a few pictures and look around the town before continuing on your adventure across the Hi-Line.

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