Love your state. Love its plates.
TakeMyTrip Design lets you celebrate your favorite state, using something long forgotten: vintage license plates, turned into art.
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License plates are fascinating. They’re all unique, and all the same. They have hidden meanings. We personalize them. We show our support for manatees and panthers and whales with them. And often, we take them for granted.
They’re just there. On every car. Every year we put a new sticker on them, and then forget them. And then, you see one from 20, 30, 40 years ago, and you remember your first car, your dad’s old truck, bench seats, and manual transmissions.
License plates unintentionally capture a snapshot in time. Once their time is over, they end up in the trash or hanging on a wall in your garage. But their time isn’t up. They’re rusty, dented pieces of art, just waiting to be transformed.
I’m Daniel, the creator of this website and the guy who can’t stop thinking of ways to breathe new life into old plates. In 2018, I started to grow tired of photography and wanted to create something more tangible, something that required craftsmanship, and something that people might want to hang on the wall.
You can see what’s available right now at TakeMyTrip’s Etsy Store. If you don’t see your favorite state, or you’d like something special, contact me. If you have an old pile of plates from your cars, I can make a truly personalized piece of wall art.
Oh, and I’m still a photographer, too. If you’d like to check out my photography, you can see what’s for sale here: