Central Vermont: Route 100


I had only made it to the middle of Vermont, and already I was getting the feeling that the day was almost over.  Of course, in fall, the sun sets early, and when you’re in between mountains, those shadows appear even sooner.  So, by 3 p.m., I decided I needed to pick up the pace.  It wasn’t a problem, because there wasn’t much to stop and see over the next 40 miles, north of Plymouth and the Coolidge Historic Site.

Woodward Reservoir

Click on the image to see a larger version.

The sun was still shining on the Woodward Reservoir, which was right next to Route 100.  Without a fishing rod and reel, the manmade lake didn’t offer much for me.

You can stop for a picture of this covered bridge, that’s right beside Route 100, south of Pittsfield.  It’s privately owned, so you’re not allowed to drive across it.  And if you arrive later in the day, you won’t get a very good photo, because it’s in the shadows.

Just a few minutes further up Route 100, I found something that was still well-lit for a picture: this barn, at the edge of the highway.

North of Stockbridge, Route 100 follows the White River.  It’s a beautiful valley, with farmland bordering the river…

… and of course, more barns.

Drivelapse Video

Here’s a dash-cam, time-lapse video showing the drive from Pittsfield (just north of the covered bridge) to Interstate 89 at Waterbury:

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