Sand Beach, Acadia National Park


Even though Mount Desert Island is surrounded by water, there are relatively few spots for swimming.  So, if you’re hoping to dip your toes into the frigid waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, you’ll probably end up at Sand Beach.

The name says it all about this area of waterfront property in Acadia National Park.  Sand Beach is located in a small bay, right next to the protruding “Great Head”.  There’s enough room here for dozens, maybe even hundreds, of beach-goers to lay out and enjoy the warm summer sun.  Of course, I was visiting Acadia in October, so “warm” and “sun” were two items in short supply.

The most interesting part of Sand Beach is on the right-hand side, as you face the ocean.  Here, the rocky shoreline meets the smooth sand.

Climb up the rocks, and you’ll have a great panorama of the entire beach.

From anywhere on the beach, you have a nice view of Great Head.

If you’re looking for a fairly short hike, set out on the Great Head loop trail, which begins at Sand Beach.  Look for the trailhead on the left end of the beach (when facing the ocean).  The Great Head Trail is 1.4 miles/2.2 km.  I didn’t take this hike, but you can read about it at

Sand Beach is point #9 on the Acadia Guide Map.  You’ll find Sand Beach along the loop road, just after you pass through the toll booths.

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