Blanco, Texas


Blanco is one of the quiet little towns that give the Texas Hill Country its “Good Old Days” character.  It’s worth spending a few minutes to stop at the center of town, and check out the old Blanco County Courthouse, which dates back to 1885.   It was only officially used by the county for four years, until the county seat moved to Johnson City.  It has now been restored, and houses a visitor center.

I was visiting Blanco on a Sunday morning, which is a pretty quiet time in this town of about 2,200 people.  The courthouse appeared to be closed…

… as did many of the businesses that circle around the center of town.

Blanco’s big annual town celebration is the Lavender Festival, held in June. If you miss the festival, you can still check out some of the Lavender farms around town. 

From Blanco, take US 281 north to Johnson City.

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