Waitsburg, Washington


Waitsburg is a tiny little town in the Palouse region of southeastern Washington State. If you’re taking a scenic drive on US 12 or State Highway 124, you’ll end up here — and you should take a few minutes to stretch your legs and enjoy the town.

My Visit

As I wandered across the Palouse region of southeastern Washington, I ended up in the town of Waitsburg.  Washington Route 124 zig-zags through downtown Waitsburg just before it ends at US 12, which comes up from Walla Walla.

It seemed like a nice place to stop, so I decided to take a walk around town.

The familiar rolling hills of the Palouse can be seen at the north end of Main Street.

The business district itself is only a couple of blocks long.

The Plaza Theater still has its marquee, but it’s no longer showing films.  The theater opened in 1928 as the Neace Theater.

One of the most interesting-looking downtown businesses is on the corner of Main Street and Route 124.  It’s an old-fashioned hardware and general store.

Waitsburg takes its name from Sylvester Wait, the man who established the first mill nearby, along the banks of the Touchet River.  That mill brought wheat farmers to the area, and eventually allowed for the creation of the town in 1865.  Waitsburg is the only town in Washington that still operates under the terms of its territorial charter.

Walk just one block east of downtown, and you’ll find the eastern terminus of Washington 124.

The Bottom Line

Waitsburg is a charming stop along your journey through the Palouse region of southeastern Washington.  It’s small enough that you can see it all in a matter of just a few minutes, so why not check it out?


Waitsburg, Washington is located at the eastern junction of US 12 and Washington 124. It’s about one hour east of Pasco, and 90 minutes west of Lewiston and Clarkston.

Drivelapse Video

Check out this time-lapse, dash-cam video of the drive from Pasco to Waitsburg…

… and Waitsburg to Pomeroy on US 12:

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