Buffalo, New York


I wish I could have spent more time in Buffalo, New York.  This gritty industrial city also has a well-polished side, and I got a sample of both as I headed into town on the “Buffalo Skyway”, an elevated viaduct that runs along the edge of the Buffalo Outer Harbor.  That’s the gritty part, filled with all the rust you’d expect in the rust belt.  I would love to have photographed it all, though I’m not sure how accessible (or safe) this area is.

After passing high above the old factories and railroad tracks, you get to the nicer side of Buffalo…


… its beautiful downtown.  Once again, due to the limits of time, I didn’t stop…

… but I did exit the Skyway and drive through the city, and took a drive around Niagara Square.  It’s more of a circle than a square, actually, and it marks the center of the original street plan, laid out back in 1804 when Buffalo was known as New Amsterdam.  The monument at the center of the square commemorates President William McKinley, who was assassinated in Buffalo in 1901.

As I said, I didn’t stop for pictures, instead letting my dash-cam take these photos.

Drivelapse Video

This time-lapse video shows the entire drive around town.  The video begins in Irving, New York, then onto the NY Thruway, then off again at NY-75, to NY-5, over the Buffalo Skyway, and into downtown Buffalo:

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