Take That Trip to Alaska! #8: So Many Places To Hike in Alaska

Trip to Alaska Reasons: #8 – Hike in Alaska  – Too Many Trails To Count

If you love to hike, there’s a lot to love in Alaska.  Wilderness is everywhere — including on the edges of Alaska’s biggest city, Anchorage — so you don’t have to go far to find a good hike.

You should, however, realize that hiking is somewhat different in Alaska than what you’ll find in the lower 48.  Trails may be less traveled by humans, and more populated with wildlife.  It’s a good idea to invest in a can of bear spray, or at least have a plan of action if you run into a bear.  Moose can be just as dangerous, if not more so.  Trails may be less maintained (more muddy or hard-to-follow) than what you’re used to.

I also found that there’s a smaller selection of shorter trails.  I prefer to hike a few miles, over a few hours, then call it a day.  But, many of the trails I found in Alaska are all-day or multiple-day routes.  This is perfect for anyone who wants to camp in the wild, but perhaps less ideal for a casual day-hiker who wants to hike in Alaska.

Even so, trail choices are abundant.  Here are a few that I really loved:

Eagle & Symphony Lakes
Mount Baldy & Blacktail Hike
Flattop Mountain
Mineral Creek Trail, Valdez
Rendezvous Peak

Check out my first trip to Alaska
And the second trip to Alaska

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