Take That Trip to Alaska! #13: Visit Santa, Then Get Knotty

Trip to Alaska Reasons: #13 – Visit Santa, then the Knotty Shop.

When you’re this far north, it only seems logical that Santa Claus would be nearby — and it turns out, he is!  The town of North Pole, Alaska has fully embraced a year-round Christmas theme, and at the center of it all is Santa Claus House.  Sure, it’s really just a giant tourist trap, but it’s essential for Alaskan tourists to visit Santa.

Inside, you’ll find an excellent gift shop with countless ornaments and souvenirs.  I thought the prices were quite reasonable.  And the best part is the selfie opportunities — including the chance to visit Santa himself.

If you need to provide some balance to all of this niceness, the Knotty Shop is just a short drive away, down the Richardson Highway.  “Knotty”, in this case, refers to souvenirs created out of knots in trees, although the gift shop offers many other kinds of souvenirs, as well as an impressive taxidermy display of Alaskan wildlife.

Check out Santa Claus House and the Knotty Shop
Explore Fairbanks

Check out my first trip to Alaska
And the second trip to Alaska

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